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Evernote Stable | 52 Mb

Evernote allows you to easily capture information in any environment using whatever device or platform you find most convenient, and makes this information accessible and searchable at any time, from anywhere. Use Evernote to jot notes, create to-do lists, clip entire Web pages, manage passwords, and record audio. Everything added to Evernote is automatically synchronized across platforms and devices and made searchable. Evernote will even recognize printed or handwritten text in photos and images. Evernote is available for Windows, Mac OS X, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows Phone 7 and WebOS.

    Changes in :
    Skitch toolbar will no longer show on a Skitch PDF unless your Windows Skitch client can edit PDFs
    Fix for creating duplicate business notebooks
    Fix for sync errors on business notes
    Misc bug fixes

Download | For Windows
Download | For All Platforms
Ar1web Hm

هذا النص الغبي ، غير مقصود لقرائته . وفقا لذلك فمن الصعب معرفة متى وأين نهايته ، لكن حتى ذلك . فإن هذا النص الغبي ، ليس مقصود لقرائته . نقطة رجوع لسطر مدونة عرب ويب ترحب بك

المدونة: عرب ويب