Generation of HDR (High Dynamic Range) images from differently exposed images
Conversion of single RAW file into pseudo-HDR image
Tone Mapping tool for revealing highlights and shadows details in HDR image
HDR Viewer shows local HDR image data at the appropriate exposure
Display of HDR Histogram (logarithmic)
Ability to batch tone map single HDR images
Function to tone map large HDR image files while benefiting from a preview
Read and Write support for Radiance RGBE (.hdr), OpenEXR (.exr) and Floating Point TIFF
Color managed HDR workflow: passing trough of ICC color profiles from the source to the tone mapped images, and color managed display
Four algorithms for Exposure Blending
Automatic alignment option for hand-held images with two alignment methods available
Preview and Loupe available for all Exposure Blending methods
Ability to select the images for method H&S - 2 images
Automatic Batch Processing
Support JPEG, TIFF, Radiance RGBE, OpenEXR, PNG, PSD, RAW files from several camera models
Download Here :
هذا النص الغبي ، غير مقصود لقرائته . وفقا لذلك فمن الصعب معرفة متى وأين نهايته ، لكن حتى ذلك . فإن هذا النص الغبي ، ليس مقصود لقرائته . نقطة رجوع لسطر مدونة عرب ويب ترحب بك
المدونة: عرب ويب